Subaru Seminars



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Subaru Seminars are usually held in Room 104 of the Hilo Base Facility, adjacent to the main lobby. Everyone is welcome to attend. If you would like to give a seminar, please contact Subaru seminar organizers (Hyewon Suh, Tae-Soo Pyo, Nagayoshi Ohashi) by email : (please change"_at" to @).

July 3, Wednesday, 3pm in 104A

Precise Characterization of Kepler Stars and Planets Using Gaia DR2

Travis Berger (IfA, UH Manoa)

A major bottleneck for the exploitation of data from the Kepler mission for stellar astrophysics and exoplanet research has been the lack of precise properties for most of the observed stars. In this talk, I will present the first reclassification of radii for ~180,000 Kepler stars derived by combining parallaxes from the Gaia Data Release 2 with the DR25 Kepler Stellar Properties Catalog. The median radius precision is ~8%, a typical improvement by a factor of 4-5 over previous estimates. Using Gaia-revised properties for >4000 exoplanets and their host stars I will discuss several intriguing features in the planet radius versus incident flux plane, including a re-investigation of the radius gap for small planets, the discovery that several confirmed exoplanets occupy a previously described “hot super-Earth desert” at high irradiance, and the relation between gas-giant planet radius and stellar incident flux. I will furthermore present the first bona fide sample of 38 Kepler planets smaller than two earth radii in the habitable zone. Finally, I will present first estimates of homogeneously derived masses and ages of all Kepler host stars using Gaia parallaxes, and discuss trends of Kepler exoplanet properties as a function of these parameters, including the utility that Subaru-HDS spectra provide. These results demonstrate the transformative impact of Gaia data on the characterization of stellar and exoplanet populations.

Seminars are also held at JAC, CFHT, and IfA.

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